the second bike is a Kawasaki KX 85 with custom graphics kindly provided and designed free of charge from factory motocross graphics
the Autism acceptance bikes we have are there to create a conversation with other parents or autistic adults that might be on track at the same time and to encourage people to talk to us should they wish too.
This has been the case on a number of occasions, allowing others to openly talk about autism , ADHD , dyslexia and other disabilities such as MS (multiple sclerosis) and downs syndrome. hopefully helping to build a community and talk about needs
For kiddo the bikes seem to be something he loves (along with other things) and has taken well to riding.
we use toys around the tracks to help him with visual triggers for changing gear, making a turn or just braking practice.
Factory motocross Graphics did the graphics for the bike
Kiddo enjoying his first taste of the track
This is such a fun bike for kiddo and for the shows i attend, it really is a great conversation starter.
Thanks for supporting : BRACKY
Please donate if you can ...
