RIDE in april | WAAM 2025

World Autism Acceptance month 2025
Help to raise monies for our 3 charities we support
3 easy steps to hosting a ride to support SGBFA

CREATE A route
Find a route near you.
1. Ideally a cafe or place that has suitable parking or interest.
2. Ride the route to another destination.
3. Take photos of you wearing the Tshirts on your bikes,
talk to other bikers about Autism & why or who you are riding for.
FIND friends to ride
Invite some biker friends or family bikers to do the ride with you
It can be a small as 2 or 3
riders or as big a ride as you are comfortable with, but ideally no more than 15*
(see term of the ride below)
I would stick to a maximum of 15 to make things easy and safe for you & your riders
Order some £5 Tshirts a
and Ill ship them to you
*All T shirts are 2xl or 3xl only for wearing over your MC jacket
£5 rider T shirts
the more you order the better for us and the charities
£5 goes to the charities we support
Order more to help make the most of the shipping cost.
Rider T shirts are in XL | 2XL | 3XL
they are meant to be worn over your motorcycle jacket to maximise the impact.

By registering to host a SUPERGOODBFA ride event you agree to the following terms and conditions. Should you not agree to the following terms the founder will reimburse you (upon application) for any initial donation made.
As far as reasonably practicable the organiser of the SUPERGOODBFA has taken into account all risks associated with the charity ride and has reduced them to as low as possible to ensure the safety and enjoyment of all participants in the event.
All participants of the SUPERGOODBFA CREATE A RIDE do so at their own risk, acknowledging the risks associated with riding a motorcycle as driver or passenger on a public road.
All participants are responsible for their own actions and for adhering to current UK traffic-related legislation. You must hold valid insurance to ride the motorcycle that you use on the BRIGHTON SUPERGOODBFA and ensure it has a valid MOT (if eligible).
As a BSUPERGOODBFA participant you agree you release and discharge and agree not to take legal action against any person connected with the management of the Event, including any volunteers from any and all losses, liabilities, costs, claims and causes of action including, but not limited to any accident, any personal injury, death or property loss or any other foreseeable consequence resulting directly or indirectly from or in any manner arising out of, or in connection with your participation in the SUPERGOODBFA ride/s
You specifically acknowledge that riding a motorcycle is a dangerous activity with obvious risks and that you are riding a motorcycle at your own risk.
You understand that riding a motorcycle involves risks that may cause various injuries and that such injuries may result in death or serious disability. You also understand that riding a motorcycle can be physically demanding and that in susceptible people riding a motorcycle may induce additional risks.
You acknowledge that that there are key risks that may be associated with participating in any motorcycle ride at any time and for any reason include the risks of injury arising from;
* the malfunction of a motorcycle resulting in an incident or accident.
* failing to wear appropriate personal protective equipment or wearing inappropriate personal protective equipment.
* any collision with another vehicle or with any stationary object.
* any accident caused by riding a motorcycle in unsuitable, inclement or dangerous weather conditions.
* riding a motorcycle while intoxicated through the consumption of any substance resulting in an accident or incident.
* riding a motorcycle at a speed that it inappropriate or dangerous for the road conditions cycle or otherwise exceeding the speed limit applicable to the road in the jurisdiction or altering your speed where you are riding a motorcycle whether to reduce the distance between your motor cycle and another motor cycle rider or for any other reason.
*deliberate or unexpected incursion by motorists into the road where you are riding a motorcycle or into a group of riders of which you are one.
That you are legally eligible, competent and proficient in riding a motorcycle.
You give permission for your photograph, and that of anyone under the age of 18 under your control, to be used in conjunction with suitable BRIGHTON SUPERGOODBFA promotional activity.
Should you not agree to (or feel you can comply with) the above conditions you must stress that you should NOT participate in a BRIGHTON SUPERGOODBFA event.
Kindest Regards